Jun 15Liked by michaelcorcoran

Terrific column. Really looking forward to the book.

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Sorry I missed The Hole, left Austin in 1970 after 8 years at UT. Well done piece, as usual.

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Jun 17Liked by michaelcorcoran

When my daughter was going to UT, she lived in the Taos Co-Op, just a few doors down from the Hole. Went there many times whenever we came to AusTex to visit her and check on my investment. (There, and the Kerbey Lane Diner for breakfast.)

Funky place that reminded me of the old Faces in Dallas. Glad they could save it. We still need dive bars for our budding talents.

BTW, my daughter DID graduate!!!


(My money was well spent on that one.)

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I gotta get there sometime…from Boston. this place looks a lot more authentic than the pathetic ‘Cheers’ tourist trap here. Love the ‘where everybody slurs your name’ take.

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2

From Boston also but moved to Austin in 73. The Hole was right down the street from where I worked so spent a lot time there. Nancy Griffith Sunday nights were great. Ya never new who would walk in for a cold one and a game of pool., or pinball.


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Back in my UT days (late 80's) and grad school breaks (early 90s) the HitW was the linchpin of my patented 'build your own triple header.' I'd work in the Bio labs til say 8-830 and scoot over to the Cactus Cafe. Then after that, move over to Hole in the Wall. Then finish up at Antone's for whoever was jamming after last call. And yes, i rigged my schedule to 'Fridays off, nothing before noon.' Good times. I was a major Commandos junkie, but other faves were the surf rock stylings of Teisco del Rey and the over the top frettings of Evan Johns/H-Bombs.

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The Hole remains one of the very top Austin venues for live local music and a relaxed good time! Excellent prices, bands, food, people, sound, and room to spread out or sit down if you need a break.

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Lost John Casner played the Hole quite a bit he was my boss for awhile working for the state of Texas…so much history there for such a small club the Hole In The Wall

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Thanks Michael. I was there most Sundays for Nanci, entranced and sitting at the corner bar stool. Lots of other shows too, of course, but most of the time just for a cold one and a Reality Sandwich, still a good descriptor for old Austin, and unfortunately also for new.

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I had some of the best times of my life at The Hole in the Wall.

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I used to hang out with my friend, Billy(who's played in several Austin bands over the years but I'm not gonna name drop). We'd play games(probably Galaga) in the back until we heard the trash truck when Billy always suggested we head to our homes before the trash men took us. Good memories.

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My wife and I moved to Austin in Nov 77 and all we knew about Texas was Pearland so expectations were low. Along came New Years Eve and I picked the Hole out of the phone book because of their name . We still talk about that night and miss the pinball machines.

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Didn't get there until October of '74.

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