What a character! What a life.

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Thank you, you're doing well by my taste. I wouldn't be surprised if my Austin relatives had been to his early venues (they left town in 1971) but I can't ask them now, time has moved on.

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Reminded me I have not seen any stories about the Soap Creek Saloon on N Lamar around 1980. I had heard Elvis played there when it was the Skyline but not sure. I know I saw a lot of great music there .

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https://michaelcorcoran.substack.com/p/clubland-paradise-the-skyline-1946 Here's the Skyline story. There's also a big on on Soap Creek in the archives.

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Great article. The huge guitar still lives outside of Texas landmark, Riley’s Tavern.

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Leon was a fun fellow for sure. I hung out with him a few times and he had great stories and jokes. I played at the Chilimpiad in the early 80s and he was on the bill with his toilet seat guitar. I visited his fascinating museum a few times, but never ate rabbit at his cafe.

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I interviewed Big Gil for a third coast piece way back when. An interesting guy, to say the least.

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Hilarious article! A lot of it had me laughing, but my favorite was Leon Carter and the Rolling Stones releasing just one single, in 1953, with Carter singing “New CHINA Night” entirely in Japanese! Thank you, Michael!

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"Pop Nelson" was NOT Willie's father, even though he liked the alias. He was married to Willie's mother, that is all.

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It was the other way around. Pop was Willie's father. Mom was not his mother.

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OK, I stand corrected. Pop was very supportive of singer-songwriters and both were really great people.

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