I can still hear T of T talking about having an Elvis tattoo on the tip of his cock!

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How many episodes did DJ have in Waller Creek? I was sad witness to the one that resulted in the police taking him off to Brackenridge, but that was in December, right around the holidays, whereas Woodshock was a summer event. I had followed DJ all the way from Record Exchange to Waller Creek after getting a call about his condition and a request from the store employees to see if I could help him. Not that I had any qualifcations for this task, but I got the call. Followed him at distance all the way up the Drag, across 26th Street and then to Waller Creek. DJ then climbed down into Waller Creek, stood in the cold ankle deep water and started unspooling some of his cassette tapes, which I believed were master tapes, though I don't recall now how I would know if these were the masters or copies. He was ranting about having "seen the twisted trees in Abeline" after having been given some acid. He was being poetic but also clearly not in his right mind. He wasn't listening to my pleas to come out of the creek, and I knew it was just a matter of time before the police were called, so I went to a pay phone and made some calls, resulting in Louis Black being dispatched to the scene. Louis and I tried our best to talk Daniel into coming out of the creek, but he wasn't having it and sure enough police arrived before any mental health crisis people could intervene. Being the holidays, the mental crisis people were backed up. The police took him down like he was some kind of dangerous criminal, over our protests and his wailing and resistance. So I think you may be off on your time line that has DJ in Waller Creek the day after Woodshock, unless there was more than one major episode in Waller Creek.

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Thanks for the clarification. There was another incident where he was swinging rebar to keep everyone away. I'll look into this more.

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