Great stuff, sir. I find I'm enjoying your own personal history accounts like this one as much, if not more, than your other fine tales. You could do a pretty fine memoir all by itself... :)

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Thanks, but even I don't want to read a whole book about me.

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May 19Liked by michaelcorcoran

Dude can write

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May 14Liked by michaelcorcoran

Another great story well told…thanks for sharing!

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May 13Liked by michaelcorcoran

2nd marriages often work out better... if not only because... you learned something.

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May 13Liked by michaelcorcoran

" I didn’t even need marijuana, which has always made music sound better."

I wish I could write about my first wife the way you write about yours.

Best lines from "Would You Catch A Falling Star"

"You know the crowd was rather small,

For a country music show.

So he faked a curtain call, til it was time for him to go"

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May 12Liked by michaelcorcoran

I’m also a John Anderson fan, starting with “I’m Just an Old Chunk of Coal” through “Would You Catch a Falling Star” and others. Love the lines, “He had a silver-plated bus and a million country fans. Now there’s just a few of us and he drives a little van” from Falling Star. Hadn’t thought about Jimmy Carl Black in a while, but had the Mothers’ album “We’re Only in It for the Money” with him on it long ago and far away. I enjoy your writing.

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May 12Liked by michaelcorcoran

I happily stole your Black & Brown Painting line “I AM THE GOD OF HELLFIRE, AND I BRING YOU…FREE ESTIMATES!” as a mic check for years in the 90s.

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"Hi there, boys and girls, I'm Jimmy Carl Black, and I'm the Indian of the group."

Zappa's "We're Only In It For The Money" is one of my all-time favorite albums.

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May 12Liked by michaelcorcoran

Love your run-in with Jimmy Carl story. We smoked weed with my neighbor and he was our dinner guest, very entertaining.

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